If you are missing a loved one, you are not alone. Missing someone who has crossed over the rainbow bridge never goes away. You miss the person’s voice, wisdom, scent, physical body, and presence. You miss your ability to see, hear, and touch him or her. Time doesn’t change your sense of loss. I know I keep saying it over and over. You get used to the hole in your heart over time but you still miss being with him or her. There is nothing you can do about “missing” someone except to try to forget. It is your last connection, so why would you want to stop missing and forget your loved one? That is not a healthy choice. It does not work anyway. Don’t deny your emotions. The best suggestion I have is to honor that connection. Focus on the good times you shared. Celebrate the love in your heart. Keep your memories alive with photographs and mementos. Talk about your loved one with others who are missing him or her too. You are not alone. If it is unbearable, or you feel as if you don’t have anyone to share stories with try a grief support group in your area.
Be well.
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