Some days are better than others. I found out yesterday that my mammo from last week came back clear. It was a relief and an eye-opener. I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath for a week. It’s been 10 years, and apparently, I subconsciously still worry about getting a bad result. I wonder if that will ever go away. My husband said it won’t for him.
My daughter Keili is almost through with her chemotherapy protocol. It has been, at times, very scary, and at others, we just marvel at how she has handled her illness and the horrors of hospitalizations during a pandemic. Her two-and-a-half-year protocol was extended a bit since she was taken off her meds to let her body heal itself a few months ago. She was not happy. Her No Mo Chemo party plans were set for the first of October, and now she won’t be done until November. But it was too much hassle to change plans with friends and relatives who had already made travel arrangements. It will be fun, but she was just hoping to be feeling better and not be swollen from the steroids. Kei is in full-blown party planning mode, which keeps her moving forward with positivity.
I was in a down mood the other day, so I re-watched one of my favorite movies. ” Me Before You” makes me happy and sad. I love Emilia Clark in it. She and Sam Claflin are superb together. I wish they would have produced sequels that coincide with the book series. Anyway, I digress. The movie always gives me the feels, and I cry at the end every time I watch it. It always reminds me of Michael, my boyfriend, who died way too young. Last week I was in a particularly good mood, so I re-watched Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFayden. So good! Yep, some days are better than others.
Living with the restrictions of Covid over the past three years, working remotely, etc. I haven’t had a need to purchase new clothes. I am finding all of a sudden that my cotton shirts are wearing out. Seriously, little tiny holes are happening in three of my favorites, and of course, the two brands don’t have the same patterns. Grrr. Okay, enough negatives. I am going to go play with my puppy. She brings so much joy to my life every day.
I hope your good days far outnumber your down ones. Take care of yourself, and when you need a good cry, go watch Me Before You. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a fan of getting your tears out periodically to release inner sadness.
Be well.
PS Thank you Buzz Anderson for the fantastic photo via Unsplash.
Audrey Zemke says
I look forward to celebrating Keili’s last chemo. I know it has been a scary road for you all. She is a warrior woman and you have been a fluff pillow for her to relax into. I’ve been amazed how God puts amazing nature in front of me when I am down; seals, beautiful trees, orcas (not enough of those sitings but I treasure them). Have a fun party!
Shirley Enebrad says
Thanks Audrey! ring a bell on Friday at 11:15am.
Miss you,
Larisa Hudson says
Thank you Shirley, I needed this today.
Shirley Enebrad says
Glad you got a lift from my last post. Ring a bell this Friday at 11:15am PST.
I hope you are enjoying Texas.