I have been putting off writing this week’s article because it was just too emotional. We are a very small island and the crossover of who is related to and knows whom can be overwhelming when hearing about losses. Anyway, two weekends ago three little ones died. One tragedy was the death of little girl who was born with too many physical challenges and did not live much outside the hospital for her two years. Her parents must be worn to the nub and have other children too but they loved her completely. This joyful little one finally couldn’t stay here in her sickly body any longer. May she rest in peace and hopefully her devastated grandmother siblings and parents can heal.
There were also two cases of little ones accidentally backed over by a parent. My heart aches just thinking about it. It is human nature too for some to want to assign blame because that way he or she can feel as if it would never happen to him or her. When a tragedy happens please don’t judge or blame. Both were horrible accidents. One was a 1 year-old and the other a 4 year-old, both sweet little boys. I can only imagine the guilt self-blame and intense sadness of each of the parents. I have been thinking about the parents for the past two weeks. With all my years of grief work I know how difficult it would be to reach someone who has to live with the pain that he or she is responsible for his or her own child’s death. I just hope and pray that these two parents will seek help and that they are both receiving the kind of support needed at this time. I have heard updates on the mother and none have been good. Sounds like she is still in shock. Her family is blown apart with grief and blame. They will never be the same. I can only imagine the same is going on with the father who is likely experiencing the same within his family.
The little ones are all soaring with the eagles. Their pain is gone. It is my firm belief that they came with a purpose to teach — apparently hard lessons but lessons never the less. I just pray that the families can get to a place of peace about the deaths. It will take time of course. Can you please help all of the parents and family members of these three little angels by praying for them? Mahalo!
Be well.
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