After a very contentious election year (so glad I wasn’t still in news) I for one could not wait for November 8th and the whole thing to be over. BTW, I will not apologize for making political statements on my own blog. If you don’t agree with me, please do not bother to comment. You can vote or think however you want. I respect that so, let me speak my truth. If you want to un-friend me on Facebook, by all means, please do.
I (like so many of my like-minded friends and family members) am grieving because of the terrible hateful untrue things (accusations that were proved to be false over and over again) said about a woman I believe is the most over-qualified candidate our country has ever considered for the job. A woman who withstood 30 plus years of nastiness and mudslinging about everything from her family to her hairstyle…for not being a stay at home mom who baked cookies to allegations of murder and worse. All that despite the fact that her resume is beyond fantastic. Her dedication to serving the public mostly children and the disadvantaged is unparallelled. I am grateful Hillary even wanted to be our president. Her opponent who has no experience does not even understand how the different branches of our government coexist and what the responsibilities are of each branch. A man who can’t get along with anyone. Has no idea what foreign policy means. A crass blowhard with a ginormous ego who said on camera insane or completely contradictory things about every subject under the sun. He never explained a single policy (I believe he didn’t have any) and he was caught saying disgusting things about how he sexually assaults women. He is due in court for fraud and racketeering because he scammed people out of their life’s savings with a phony university. He is due in court after that for raping a 13-year-old girl. He never went to court for all of the people he hired for services and then refused to pay. Bankrupting several. He spewed hate. He incited violence. He bashed our country continuously while praising Putin, snuggling up with the nut in North Korea and getting cozy with the KKK. So, is it any wonder that many people are grieving? No mystery to me.
People I know are grieving the lost hope they had for a bright future lead by a strong smart capable woman who wanted to unite the country and make it stronger and better for everyone…not just the rich. I too am grieving. I grieve and am fearful for the future for my children and grandchildren. The future is in the hands of a man who doesn’t care about the environment, who actually believes that California is not experiencing a drought, who has a terrible temper, is proudly vindictive, is overtly racist sexist xenophobic, has a phony charity, doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes, is anti-everyone who isn’t like him, who says hateful things about immigrants, people of color, gays, doesn’t care about veterans, the elderly, women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, decency or anyone but himself. I grieve because my daughters came face-to-face with the reality that half our country didn’t even bother to go the polls. They are worried they will never be taken as seriously as men in the workplace because clearly our country is more sexist than racist. My youngest said, “Where were all the people who elected President Obama twice?” I grieve because my daughters are stunned that we have a president-elect who does NOT care about them. I didn’t sugar coat my response to them. I told them we will survive. It might be difficult for a while but to keep thinking positively and to work hard and treat others with respect and to be the strong capable women we raised them to be. Oh yea, and “it’s okay to cry.”
If you are grieving too, please don’t listen to those who say, “Get over it.” “Wah – Wah move on.” and all of those other demeaning smug little ditties. Grieve your way. Talk it out or write down your feelings. Get angry if you want. Get involved with groups who are fighting against racism sexism bigotry and ignorance, or for the decimation of the Electoral College, etc. Don’t give up. Oh yea, and pray that on December 19th the Electorates of the Electoral College do the right thing because Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote.
Be strong!
Cathy Harmon says
You bout covered it all! Who can respect a president that is so Dispicable and utterly Disgusting? Not me!
Shirley Enebrad says