What I have to say may not resonate with people who like/love guns. I don’t care. That stupid adage about guns not killing people and that people kill people pisses me off. Guns kill people. The GOP blames the mentally ill, too many doors, not enough God, “liberal” teachers, wokeness (their stupid made-up word) what a bunch of crap.
Innocent people were slaughtered in a grocery store in Buffalo, a church hall in Orange County, CA, on the streets of Chicago (almost every weekend), and little children and their teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in the past week and a half. I have been sad and angry since these occurrences. My blood pressure is at an all-time high. We as a society must demand that the greedy blood money recipients who are in bed with the NRA do their freaking jobs or get the hell out of office. Most of our country’s citizens want assault weapons banned, bump stocks banned, registration of all gun owners, extensive background checks and a waiting period, safety classes, and testing of anyone who wants to buy a gun. Why are we being held up figuratively and in reality by a small number of greedy, power-hungry jackholes who don’t care about their constituents? We need to start by shutting down the NRA. Then, moving forward, we need to elect real, honest people.
My grief and anger over this situation are not new. I know I am not alone in my sentiments. Guns kill people. We have got to regulate the sale and ownership of guns now. Why are we being held hostage to an antiquated amendment written in 1791? According to actual people who study history, our forefathers did not intend for gun ownership to be a free-for-all.”Many historians agree that the primary reason for passing the Second Amendment was to prevent the need for the United States to have a professional standing army. When it was passed, it seems it was not intended to grant a right for private individuals to keep weapons for self-defense.” https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment2.html
Other countries took immediate action when they suffered mass shootings with great success. We are not taking care of business so that the gun manufacturers can get richer every time there is a mass killing. The NRA and their toadies like Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, and their ilk decry the fear that legitimate gun owners will have their guns taken away by the evil Democrats. So, what happens? These folks go out and buy more guns. Who benefits? Duh.
My brothers are hunters. They own guns. My dad made sure they took safety classes and learned the proper way to use their guns. They don’t kill animals for fun like tRump’s sons, who are not killing for food. They allegedly do it for sport, but baiting animals is like shooting fish in a barrel. Outstanding sport in that. (deep sarcasm)
The only reason for anyone to own an AR-15 or other assault weapons is to kill people. It is not a sporting gun. It is not a gun used for protecting oneself. It is made for one purpose—to kill people. Why are we allowing individuals to own them? Why are we as a society allowing the safety and future of our children and grandchildren to be destroyed by a bunch of greedheads? It is high time we band together MARCH, write letters, and send Emails to demand that our taxpayer-funded employees do their damn jobs for the people they are supposed to represent. The self-serving ones need to hear loud and clear that we are all sick of babies being slaughtered at school, friends and family members being gunned down at grocery stores, malls, concerts, and on the streets. STOP THE VIOLENCE!
Angry, grieving, determined,
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